Bringing Forth the Feminine


By |2021-04-01T13:04:50-05:00April 1st, 2021|Blog, Bringing Forth the Feminine, News|

It’s been a while…a long while—a little over 3 years since my last post.

So many reasons. Aside from a few important posts, I stopped posting regularly when I took a W2 job in June of 2016. I have worked for two different companies since then, and writing while I was employed would have created conflicts I did not have bandwidth to manage.

Where have I been?
I went back to my supply chain career in 2016 when I walked away from the company I formed in 2013 (Morf3D). I trusted my business partner too much, resulting in losing any leverage that would be needed to right the ship and remain in control of my business, my idea, my concept. So, I left, realizing it would be inauthentic to continue building a business with a partner I found had lied to me. The partner—who I chose poorly—when asked why he was making the choices he was, responded, “It’s just standard business practice”. Lesson learned: when there is poor structural integrity, things don’t work, and they won’t last.

Why have I been W2 employed when I’m an entrepreneur?
I needed to get my feet under me again and pay off more than a quarter million dollars of debt I took on starting my first business. I have succeeded in doing that, while spending the last 4 years planning for the next business I am going to build. The original plan was to shift focus in April 2020. But, like so many things in 2020, plans got rearranged.

Why am I starting another business?
This is what I can do to affect change in the world – to be the change. The best way I can help is to build a business that operates in all the ways I have been writing about since 2013.

When I started GirlAuthentic, my goal was to empower women to lead in building new structures by building businesses that operate and feel different—that bring forth the feminine vibration, and balance for everyone. Never in my wildest dreams could I ever predict what we have experienced in the last few years – #MeToo; #BlackLivesMatter; and sustained raw exposure of so many established structures glaringly absent of integrity, balance, equality, equity – across business, education, healthcare, entertainment, politics, and more.

I also said I wanted to demonstrate building one of those new businesses. I attempted once – and I’m ready to start again (more soon!). This time I’ll be applying some valuable lessons I learned, and I am even more motivated after spending the last 4 years with almost daily reminders of why this is needed. New structures must be built—the need is clearer today than it was over 7 years ago, as I tried to explain what I was feeling and thinking in my first post. I believe women can—must—take the lead in building new structures, and one of the fastest ways to do so is by building new businesses. One of my favorite quotes says it most clearly, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete” – R. Buckminster Fuller
I’m ready. Time to begin again.

Announcing Conversations!

By |2020-11-13T13:17:53-06:00April 14th, 2014|Blog, Bringing Forth the Feminine, Women and the Workplace|

Since the forming of GirlAuthentic, there have been many requests to tell people what the “model” looks like for a new business that is based on a balance of the feminine and masculine. I have resisted answering the requests with only my specific ideas. I do have some ideas, but I guarantee you they are only some of the ideas, and might not even be the most creative. Women have the opportunity today to build businesses that operate and feel the way we want them too.

So, in an attempt to provide examples, my creative team and I have begun to put together a series of conversations with interesting women who have created their own businesses. We also wanted to highlight the thought processes and choices behind the structures they have put in place and how their businesses operate.

Today is our first example. We’d like to present Amy Fowler Stadler, founder of Lewis & Fowler, a well-known technology consulting, strategic project management, and expert staffing services company that started with Amy and her partner, Kevin Lewis, in Denver and now provides services nationally. Please join me in hearing Amy’s vision.




Now it’s your turn: What are your ideas for new models of businesses that are built on a foundation of balance between the masculine and feminine?

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