Michelle M. Meyer is the founder of Girl Authentic. Michelle works with men and women to bring forth the feminine in the workplace. She seeks to open new avenues of dialog, balance, wealth and abundance for individuals, organizations and communities.
Michelle was once asked, “So, what are you going to do about that?” when she was expressing concern about the structures her nearing-adulthood children would be entering soon. She knew what constraints those age-old structures offered, and wanted more for them—a chance to work in structures that valued both the masculine and the feminine. Her response? “I don’t believe current structures can change at the pace I am willing to wait. These structures were designed by men, for men – women need to take the lead in building new structures. I believe the fastest way to do that is for women to take the lead in building new businesses.”
Michelle believes that the imbalance between the masculine and feminine vibrations has frustrated women and baffled men. Many women striving to achieve in our current structures have resorted to operating from male frameworks and a masculine vibration. When they do, it diminishes both the males’ and females’ unique contribution. Bringing forth the feminine brings balance. Michelle believes this generation is awakening to the chance of a balanced culture and workplace stemming from a balance of the masculine and feminine vibration. A new era of business opportunity is arriving. New structures and whole-life business frameworks must be created to support and nurture this growing awareness.
Michelle is a leader in supply chain management. She has led innovative supply chain strategies for some of the world’s most recognized brands as a consulting supply chain specialist with Hitachi Consulting, Arthur Andersen, and independently. Michelle has served as an Adjunct Professor of Supply Chain and Logistics Management and on the Board of Directors for the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals. She’s worked in male-driven structures the duration of her career, which has led to the inception of Girl Authentic.