
Rerouting: Is It Possible to Reach Two Destinations Simultaneously?

By |2016-07-19T09:20:30-05:00July 18th, 2016|Blog|


In our GPS world, getting from one place to another is easy: you input your destination, and you’re on your way. But what if you want to arrive at two places at once? Is it possible? Can we both work within a culture and change it at the same time?

I am newly faced with this struggle, as my work life has recently taken a turn into the corporate world. I find myself wondering if I will continue to be able to strive for feminine equilibrium in the workplace while at the same time working within it.

This shift in my work life has occurred amidst many other life transformations. Since I last wrote, I traveled to Japan for two weeks and completed Module 3 of SourcePoint Therapy (an energy healing modality that focuses on healing and health). I packed up my house and am living between two temporary locations in Colorado and Chicago. I closed on a new home in Chicago, but since it needs work done, I haven’t yet moved in. My daughter graduated from high school and turned 18 two weeks later. And as I’ve alluded to…I started a new job.

After years of charting my own territory, I recently accepted a job as a Director at PwC in their Supply Chain Management consulting practice based in Chicago. With my move to Chicago already in the works, a professional colleague and friend connected me to PwC in early April, and lo and behold…by the middle of the month, it was a done deal.


I’m as surprised as anyone about this rerouting back to the big corporate world. However, as I have learned, you must be very specific with what you ask for because the universe will provide exactly that. To illustrate, earlier this spring I asked for:

  • A supportive way to transition to Chicago
  • Nice people to work with
  • A way to build a foundation and network in Chicago
  • Some stability in my income situation so I could meet upcoming financial obligations
  • A way to help replenish the coffers
  • A way to meet the right people to help me build my next company

Notice that “work in a corporate environment” is not on this list, yet for some reason, PwC feels like the job I am meant to do right now. Everything I have done so far positions me perfectly for this.

I have had numerous friends comment on how it is beshert (meant to be) and karma (helping others over the years coming back around), and I believe that, too—but it still feels like a rerouting because I have to figure out how to continue the GirlAuthentic conversation in a different environment.

Maybe that is why I’m back in a large corporate environment. Maybe it is a case of “what you resist persists.” I have resisted the idea that large corporate structures can actually operate in a way that fully supports women (and men) and removes the old patriarchal structures that so many resist changing because of the power shifts it will cause. Can they really let them go? I have my doubts.

But I have hope, too. Before joining PwC, I did my research. They have consistently been voted one of the best places to work, their track record and percentages of women in leadership are well above many of their peers and other industries, they actively support the UN HeforShe program, and they have meaningful programs within PwC that reflect this. They focus actively and directly on diversity, and their results are visible and considerable. They are doing good work, and I am excited to be a new team member.

While this latest step fulfills much of what I was looking for, I still have many questions. What does it look like to continue working for equality for women from this new platform? How will my next business idea take shape, and when and who will partner with me?  Will I be able to do both? Can I work within a global corporate platform and strive to transform things on a larger scale? What will that look like? And at the same time, will I be able to build a company led by women that demonstrates all these ideas?

Though I don’t yet know the answers, and this move may be unexpected, it feels right. I’m excited that this rerouting has me looking toward new horizons and given me different opportunities to make a difference. And while I’m not certain I will be able to arrive at both “destinations,” I am eager to continue the journey.

Times of Transition

By |2016-11-21T11:37:26-06:00November 13th, 2015|Blog|



How do you know if you’re achieving the balance you need in your life?

It’s actually not rocket science – there are some pretty great tools for assessing yourself.

Since I chose to walk away from Morf3D a few months ago I find myself in a time of transition.  Being here reminded me of a huge shift that happened for me a few years ago, when I first experienced the Circle of Life assessment process. It led to some important changes for the better.

I was first asked to plot myself on the “Circle of Life” in 2010. Here’s what I came up with:


Not very balanced! My life was consumed by work, with very little play or exercise. I was fortunate enough to be relatively healthy physically, but I was exhausted, mentally disconnected, and likely on my way to becoming ill with some form of disease.

Looking at this circle, I could actually see the imbalance. Suddenly it was easy to start formulating specific actions I wanted to take to change the (literal) shape of my life. There were several things I did:

  • I focused on myself first – through the body work I had started with my Rolfing therapist, and through a return to daily walks with the dog whenever I was home.
  • Next, I added a daily meditation practice and started doing yoga more consistently.
  • Over the coming months, I reintroduced a couple of things that I loved but had not been doing: sculling and skiing. These gave me both fun and exercise. It was challenging at first, but got easier over time.
  • I added other things that were fun for me: I started traveling more for my own pleasure, reading more, and doing absolutely nothing without feeling guilty about it.
  • I stated I wanted to work less for more money – and that started to happen almost immediately.

I assessed myself again in 2013, and looked like this:


Much more well-rounded – literally! Life had become much easier, and yet I was actually doing more (and working less). I noticed my relationship to time had shifted. Somehow I had more time; my life wasn’t so stressful. And, I was actually making more money! Hmmm, funny how that worked.

At this point I also started working on what I wanted to be doing to contribute in the very long term. That work led to the creation of GirlAuthentic and of Morf3D – both in 2013.

Now, here I am at the end of 2015:


This assessment reflects a continued expansion of the circle, which I am very pleased with. I managed to keep the circle expanding even while adding GirlAuthentic and Morf3D. However, I did notice I worked a lot harder this year, and earned a lot less money. Hmmm, going to have to take a look at that.

I think I fell into the trap of believing that to start a company, one must sacrifice everything (time, money and values). Most would say, “that is just the way it is.” But I’m not sure it has to be. I am convinced there is another way – I just didn’t find it the first time.

Which brings me to my current “time of transition.” Times like this always provide an opportunity for new self-assessment, and new changes for the better. I’m not sure how long this period will be – but it’s an opportunity I don’t want to miss.

I have some more processing to do first, to understand the lessons I’ve learned. I’ve got pieces, but I have to keep working to get clarity. That will lead to more formulating of what the next attempt will look like to continue the work of GirlAuthentic and of building a company based on my vision of contributing to an abundant, healthy, equitable, sustainable, balanced world by building a business rooted in being healthy, equitable, and balanced. Building a business based on being that way myself.

The work continues – and that’s just me! If you’d like to try the Circle of Life for yourself, you can get started by printing the pdf below. Better yet, look for a certified coach to guide you through the process! My nutritionist, Kelly Hoogenakker, first introduced me to the program – I’m sure someone like her could help you too.

If you’ve tried the Circle of Life, leave a comment below! I’d love to learn from your experiences in pursuing greater balance.

Download the Self-Assessment Worksheet


I call it the Art of Coming and Going

By |2015-05-19T14:47:07-05:00January 13th, 2014|Blog, Women and the Workplace|


I call it “coming and going.” I have set up one form of it for myself, and I have seen others with many variations on the theme.

What do I mean? I mean the ability to “come and go” from a job place, a company, a profession – even from work altogether. The ability to choose to work for periods of time, and NOT to work for periods of time.

Why do we have this notion that we are supposed to work at least 160 hours per month for 45 years? Tolkien said it best – “not all those who wander are lost.” People who “come and go” pick up all sorts of new experiences and perspectives. If they leave a work environment and choose to return, they do so with so much more to offer. So why do policies discourage this?

What if we simply stopped viewing “coming and going” as a bad thing?

I have. I was lucky enough to garner a set of skills and work experiences that let me work independently as a consultant – which means I choose who I work with, and when. I know many who’ve found similar ways to work. It’s a trend in many professions, in fact – from journalism to various areas of computer science. And, with new national health-care policies that mean your healthcare coverage doesn’t have to be tied to employment, I think we’ll see even more workers empowered to indulge their “wandering” side.

Many are beginning to talk and write about how we are all heading toward being “free agents.” Don’t miss the key word in that phrase – “free”. What if we could fashion careers, professions, jobs, and companies that helped more of us embrace this freedom?  What if we operated in a way such that we knew people would want to “come” to a job or a profession for a while; “go” for a while; and perhaps come back? Whether that is to pursue personal interests, care for family, children, etc. – for both women AND men.

When that happens, we take our power back. I read a comment once that we had become lazy – most of us had traded our freedom to corporations in exchange for security. But we’ve learned that security was an illusion, and the price was often too high.

So how about reclaiming some freedom instead?

Your true job – and mine – is to be happy. But to do so, to feel good about what we are doing, we may have to take our power back. I choose what I do, and when, and with whom. That’s the kind of world I want to live in. That’s the kind of businesses I want to see us building.

How about you?

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